(855) 96 322 3333 No. 69-71, St 271, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Our Services

Our Service offered all consumer loan to Cambodian people has made their lives better.

  • - Hundreds private car dealers in Phnom Penh. - Car leasing with 15% down payment.
    - Lease term up to 6 years.
    - Affordable monthly installment.
    - Flexible repayment of principal.
  • - Best-selling products on leasing market are scooters, motorbikes and. More than 100 dealers in Phnom Penh.
    - Leasing without down payment.
    - Lease term up to 4 years.
    - Affordable monthly installment.
    - Flexible repayment of principal.
  • - Leasing without down payment.
    - Lease term up to 4 years.
    - Affordable monthly installment.
    - Flexible repayment of principal.
  • - 20% down payment.
    - Lease term up to 4years.
    - Affordable monthly installment.
    - Flexible repayment of principal.
  • Asset Back
    - Under Construction